Quartz Cluster – Madagascar


Pretty quartz cluster from Madagascar. Madagascan quartz clusters tend to have a gentle appearance. The outer skin of the points often has a white or red/pink tinge, the pink/red is caused by iron deposits and occasionally the pink ones are mistaken for rose quartz clusters. The Quartz is said to be a dynamic uplifting energy, bringing light and energy into the room.

This quality of cluster is very difficult to obtain. So often during the mining process the points get chipped or broken, these are in very good condition as can be seen in the photographs, but there may still be the occasional imperfection. Being a natural product, clusters are sharp, please handle with care.

1 in stock

SKU: QT-CL-10A-MAD-020 Categories: , , , ,

Additional information

Weight .028 kg
Dimensions 2.7 × 6.1 × 3.2 cm