Carnelian Flame


Gorgeous Carnelain Flame. Carnelian is a beautiful stone, displaying an array of colours. From deep reds, browns, through fiery oranges to pale creams and whites. Each piece is unique, and hand polished in Madagascar. 440 grams 10 cm x 6.5 cm x 5 cm

1 in stock

SKU: CF-PO-03E-020 Categories: , ,


Gorgeous Carnelain Flame. Carnelian is a beautiful stone, displaying an array of colours. From deep reds, browns, through fiery oranges to pale creams and whites. Each piece is unique, and hand polished in Madagascar. Carnelian is said to bring warm and heal emotions.

Additional information

Weight 0.440 kg
Dimensions 10 × 6.5 × 5 cm